Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Remembering the 2008 Flood: Ft. Atkinson, WI

Remembering the 2008 Flood:Ft. Atkinson, WI

Just about a year ago this week,

Michelle, in the photo, and Wendell, and lots of other folks in Ft. Atkinson, WI

(and all over parts of the country)

found out how much rain it takes to make a 500-year flood;

how many sandbags it takes to hold off the flood,

and how many friends and neighbors really cared:

...to leave their own homes, their families and their jobs

to help them save theirs.

Let's always remember how we all:

grabbed our boots,

lent a hand or a shovel,

and shared the hope.

And when it was all over

were glad we were there.

Thanks, everyone.



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