Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Really, really, really bad real estate photos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Thanks to SellIt WithBob)

Bad real estate photos do not sell homes.

Consumers hate bad real estate photos.

Do not do this to yourself, a buyer or a seller.

You will not make money.

Please call me.

I can help!


Obeo WI-262-325-8687

Obeo National:800-729-6236


Anonymous said...

How did my listing get on there? lol. That is too funny.

Steven Stearns said...

Megan -
these are pretty bleak-do you ever read Athol Kays' blog- he has just posted the top 25 worst MLS photos in 2008 - (that is early!) and it is hilarious!

Thanks for stopping by,
